5 Crystals That Are Too Powerful


How Can A Crystal Be Too Powerful?

Crystals are wonderful tools for spiritual work, healing, and emotional release and each one offers a unique gift. Crystals vibrate at their own frequency; even two pieces of the same crystal can feel very different. When selecting crystals, we often gravitate towards the ones we are most attracted to visually and energetically. Most of the time, we find working with crystals to be a pleasant experience to varying degrees of finding comfort, peace, and lifting our overall well being. 

At other times, we encounter crystals that are off putting. Sometimes we are repelled by their energy and other times we hold something and have an adverse reaction that manifests itself physically, emotionally, or spiritually. 

Why does this happen?

It all goes back to the way our energy connects with the stone. If we are vibrating close to the same frequency as a crystal, we may not notice much of a difference when working with it. If we are out of alignment with the crystal(s) that we are working with, the changes become more noticeable as we start to entrain with the energy of the crystal. Another way to say this is that your vibrational state starts to harmonize to the same frequency of the crystal. With most crystals, this change should feel good and leave you feeling refreshed, recharged, and less stressed.

However, there are some crystals that are at a very different vibrational frequency. Working with that stone can feel jarring, overwhelming, and sometimes cause physical discomfort. When this happens, my recommendation is not to work with the crystal and choose a substitute. However, some crystals can be worked with gradually and become a helpful tool in your collection if you choose.

Whether you are working with crystals for your personal use or with clients, here are 5 crystals to be mindful of. Remember that everyone has a different energy sensitivity so what works for you may not be ideal for a client or friend.



The Crystal that is taking over the internet! Allow me to introduce you to Moldavite. Truth be told, Moldavite is not a crystal but a tektite, a fancy word for glass that forms when a meteorite hits the earth’s surface. What many people are finding is that this alien glass has superpowers that are out of this world. In some over the top TikTok videos, users proclaim to have extraordinary experiences that you would expect from a hallucinogenic and not a rock. 

Moldavite is a very high vibrational stone so much so that many have a hard time acclimating to its vibrations. In some, this allows them to have amazing journeys and connect to alien or starseed consciousness. They are able to expand their experience of the Divine and collective consciousness to a truly universal level. In other people, the vibration of Moldavite is so far out of alignment that it can cause headaches and nausea if worn on or placed near the body for too long.

If you have a piece of Moldavite, introduce it to your auric field and body slowly, for 1-5 minutes at a time. I found that the vibrations of Moldavite were so powerful that I couldn’t have it in my house for almost a year! I stored it outside in a dark, dry area and would occasionally meditate with it. There are a few instances where I found great joy in working with my Moldavite, it helped me heal and expand my chakras and I felt like a beacon of Divine light for a week. 

However, the popularity of Moldavite has caused the price to skyrocket and most of what is on the market is faked (even reputable vendors are getting duped). So, if you’re on the fence about Moldavite, try a substitute. One of my favorite direct replacements for Moldavite is Agni Magnitite, often referred to as the “Pearl of Divine Fire''. It is a rare pseudo tektite found in Indonesia. Many that have worked with this fascinating stone claim that it is stronger than Moldavite without any negative side effects.



Like Moldavite, Obsidian is not classified as a crystal but rather a natural glass made from cooling lava. Obsidian removes the veil between our world and the next making it easy to communicate with spirits. It has many supernatural properties and its mirror-like finish makes it a favorite for scrying or the act of gazing into the stone to see images from spirit. 

Working with Obsidian is great for anyone that is looking to expand their psychic abilities especially if one is particularly blocked. However, it can become overwhelming to use it on a regular basis. You may begin sensing spirits at uncomfortable times and get overwhelmed with messages from spirits as your gifts develop. Remember that not all spirits have your best intentions at heart, not to say that they are scary or bad, but they have their own motivations for reaching out to you. When working with Obsidian, you’ll be testing your boundaries and discernment.

To start working with Obsidian, try a small piece first to see if you like the energy of it. Hold it in your hand for 5 minutes and reflect on how you feel afterwards. Because it allows direct access to spirits, many practitioners cover their Obsidian with black velvet when it’s not in use. This contains the energy of the stone so that spirits cannot travel through the glass at will. Also, this is one stone that I do not recommend ever putting in a bedroom (hello nightmares and 3 am wake ups!). Overall, Obsidian is best used intentionally then put away.


Copper is a conductor of energy whether you are talking about its scientific traits or metaphysical properties. It helps direct and increase the flow of energy from one point to another. This makes it very handy to use to amplify the energy in crystal grids and long distance crystal healing sessions.

Working with metals in general can help unblock stubborn chakras and create a beautiful column of light that helps you connect to the Divine. As a powerful Earth Element, Copper can help you channel messages from the Universe and find clarity when making decisions.

The flip side is that for many people that are energy sensitive, this can be too much power. In my personal experience, this is not always a tolerance that you can build up like you can with other crystals. Copper can be very draining. It can use the wearer as an energy source and cause the body to ache wherever it is placed. Avoid placing Copper on your body or someone else’s until you are sure of it’s side effects on an individual. Instead use clear quartz to amplify and direct energy.

Black Tourmaline

This almost did not make the list because it is one of my favorite grounding stones. It is wonderful to use in crystal healing and it creates an energetic web of safety over one’s home when you place a piece in each corner of your house. It helps with anxiety and feelings of unease and can help you connect directly to the core of the Earth. It encases one’s aura with protective armor, ideal for those that are energy sensitives and empaths.

If you or your client suffer from depression and loneliness, tread lightly when using Black Tourmaline. It can be too grounding making it difficult to see beyond the current situation. Also, its qualities of protection can be too rigid, making some feel isolated and disconnected from society

There are some wonderful substitutes you can use instead of Black Tourmaline. Amethyst is wonderful for protection especially for families with little ones in the home. It forms a protective barrier with love as it’s shield. Amethyst creates a warm, inviting atmosphere for your loved ones. For grounding, Garnet and Petrified Wood are wonderful substitutes for Black Tourmaline. Garnet harmonizes with the heart and root chakras creating feelings of joy and lightheartedness while Petrified Wood offers support for those needing direct connection with nature and feelings of safety.

Elestial Quartz

Elestial Quartz is a dream to work with to acclimate with high vibrational frequencies. It promotes feelings of euphoria and physical lightness allowing you to harmonize with Divine Beings. It opens up portals especially for working with beings in the higher realms -- think angels, fairies, gods, and goddesses.

Unfortunately, Elestial Quartz does not offer any support with grounding so it is easy to get lost in the excitement of journeying through the heavens. You may find yourself outside of reality and unaware of your physical body and surroundings, completely untethered from earth. While this may be a joyous temporary experience during meditation and spiritual work, it does not do you good to dwell there for too long. 

This stone is best used in moderation. If you feel yourself transported completely while working with Elestial Quartz, set timers and have a grounding stone nearby.  You can use Elestial Quartz simultaneously with a grounding stone by holding one in each hand. If you prefer, use the Elestial Quartz during the meditation experience then replace it with a grounding stone for a few moments afterwards until you feel fully present in your body.

What has your experience been like?

After reading this list, are there any other crystals that come to mind that are too powerful to work with? Start your own journal with crystal findings and record which crystals you enjoy working with and which ones you don't. Then revisit your notes once a season. You may discover that your preferences change over time.

And if you’re still looking for your dream crystal, head over to the crystal shop here. Each crystal is consciously sourced and hand selected for its high quality and harmonious vibrations.

Courtnay Francis